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All children to return to school

All children to return to school   All primary and secondary school students will begin to return to school from next Monday 22 June, the Education Minister has announced today. This follows the first phase safe return to school announcement, two weeks ago, which returned Year 6 pupils full-time and…

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Guia dos pais – português

Highlands College Guida de regresso a escola em segurança para pais/encarregados de educação   Sabemos que este é um momento dificil para muitos de nós. Ajudar seu filho ou filha a manter uma rotina e a concentração é uma forma positiva de o apoiar. Quando irá o seu filho regressar…

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Przewodnik dla rodziców -polski

Highlands College Bezpieczny powrót do College’u poradnik dla rodziców / opiekunów Rozumiemy, że jest to trudny czas dla wielu z nas. Pomaganie synowi lub córce w utrzymaniu rutyny i skupienia jest pozytywnym sposobem wspierania ich. Kiedy mój syn / córka wróci do Highlands College? Bezpieczeństwo naszych studentów jest najważniejsze, więc…

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Cafe Connect guidelines

  Café Connect We are looking forward to welcoming you back at Café Connect. To help reassure you that we will be following Government guidelines to help protect students and staff during these unprecedented times. The new guidelines are as follows: Please enter the Café through the main front door…

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Safe return to college – Parent / guardian guide

  Highlands College Safe Return to Highlands College Guide for Parents / Guardians   We appreciate that this is a difficult time for you all. Helping your son or daughter to maintain routine and focus is a positive way to support them so that they stay optimistic about their goals….

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Safe return to college – Student guide

  Highlands College Safe Return to Highlands College Student Guide     This guide is to give you information about your return to College and how we plan to keep you safe and well. We know that this is a difficult time for many of you. Keeping a routine and…

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Safe return to college – Staff guide

  Highlands College Safe Return to Highlands College  Staff Guide     We are now working towards implementing our ‘Safe Return to College’ plan, the emphasis of which is to prevent the spread of infection of COVID 19 to students, staff, and all stakeholders. We have created this guide to…

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Re-opening of schools, colleges and nurseries

      Thursday, 28 May 2020 Dear parents, carers and children Re-opening schools, colleges and nurseries Today I will be making an announcement about the details of a phased re-opening of all schools, colleges and nurseries, from 8 June. This is based on the latest medical advice, which says…

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22-05-20 Schools remain closed

      Schools to remain closed until 5 June The Education Minister has signed a further Ministerial Decision, based on health advice, to extend the closure of schools and colleges to 5 June. Senator Tracey Vallois has also announced that she intends to give an update, next week, on…

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BTEC letter to parents

These letters are specifically intended for the parents of students 18 and under, doing the folowing BTEC courses L3 Construction L3 Business L3 Health and Social Care L3 Hospitality BTEC HNCs/HNDs in Sport and Computing  

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01-05-20 School closure update

      Schools to remain closed until after the May half-term break The Education Minister has signed a further Ministerial Decision, based on the latest advice from the Medical Officer of Health, to extend the closure of the majority of Government provided schools and colleges to 22 May, the…

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29-04-20 Survey

    Children and young people having a voice in the pandemic Children and young people in Jersey are being encouraged to complete a survey to share their thoughts and feelings about the coronavirus pandemic. The confidential survey, which is a collaborative project between the Government of Jersey’s Department for…

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28-04-20 Parents letter

        28 April 2020 Dear Parent/ Guardian, We have been pleased to see the commitment and enthusiasm of so many of our students, in returning to their online studies since the break. Student feedback shows that a large majority of them have enjoyed online learning and only a small…

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New College Principal

    Monday, 27 April 2020 Highlands College new principal appointed A teacher who was born and educated in Jersey has been appointed as the Principal of Highlands College. Jo Terry-Marchant, who was the College’s Interim Principal, has worked as a teacher for 27 years. The appointment was made following…

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20-04-20 Employer survey

      The March 2020 Trackers recruitment has been delayed due to the Corona pandemic.  The application process to gain funding for apprenticeships will open before June.  Please follow Government of Jersey social media for updates. This year all applications for Highlands College apprenticeships and other Trackers apprenticeships will…

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22-04-20 Joint letter to students

      Dear Apprentice Highlands and Skills Jersey hope this letter finds you safe and well. We have been very mindful of the challenges you and your employers are facing and we want to reassure you we are here to support. We are currently in unprecedented times and understand that many of you…

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22-04-20 Letter to employers

      Dear Employer, Highlands and Skills Jersey hope this letter finds you safe and well. We have been very mindful of the challenges you and your employees are facing and we are here to support you in these turbulent times. We understand that many of you may have concerns about the sustainability of your business and…

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Monday, 20 April 2020 Free broadband offered to school children and young people leaving care with no access The Government of Jersey, Digital Jersey and all four local telecoms companies have teamed up to offer a free broadband connection to households with school children and those leaving care, who don’t…

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    Monday, 20 April 2020 Education Minister Senator Vallois has made the following statement: “I hope our students had a restful Easter with their families and I would like to thank all the teachers and schools who have been working over the holidays to support the children of critical…

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