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You are applying for the following course
Is English your first language * Choice 1 Yes No
Please let us know your first language. *
What is your employment situation? * Choice 1 Employed - Public sector - ANY arm of the States of Jersey Employed - Private sector Self-employed Student Unemployed and NOT enrolled with Back-to-Work Unemployed and enrolled with Back-to-Work
Is your employment status? * Choice 1 Full time Part time
Gender Choice 1 Male Female Prefer not to say
Address 1 *
Address 2 *
Post code *
Parish * Choice 19 St Helier Grouville St Brélade St Clement St John St Lawrence St Martin St Mary St Ouen St Peter St Saviour Trinity
Residential status * Choice 5 Entitled Licensed Entitled to work Registered
How will this programme support your engagement in the community? Choice 1 Help children with schoolwork Help develop confidence in everyday maths skills Help develop confidence in writing and communication To feel part of Jersey's English speaking community Help me take part in charity work
How will this programme support your employment prospects? Choice 1 Support CV writing Help with interview skills Completing job applications English language learning for work Gain basic qualifications in Maths, English and / or English language
White ethnicity sub categories 31 English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British 32 Irish 33 Gypsy or Irish Traveller 34 Any Other White background
Asian ethnicity sub categories 39 Indian 40 Pakistani 41 Bangladeshi 42 Chinese 43 Any other Asian background
Black ethnicity sub categories 44 African 45 Caribbean 46 Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Another ethnicity sub categories 47 Arab 98 Any other ethnic group 99 Not provided
Mixed / multiple ethnicity sub categories 35 White and Black Caribbean 36 White and Black African 37 White and Asian 38 Any Other Mixed / multiple ethnic background
Do you identify as transgender Choice 1 Yes No Prefer not to say
Any additional information