Who is this course for?
Technology has broadened the scope for a modern business to access markets around the globe, this is an inspiring and sometimes daunting thought.
If you are looking for a career in the modern business world, this course is an excellent choice to help you understand how these environments work and learn skills that will help you in this industry.
You will complete assignments that will develop the skills and knowledge that lead to business-related careers or further education.
What are the entry requirements for the course?
You will need five GCSEs at grades 2 or 3 (grade E-D) or higher, including BOTH Maths and English Language.
How long is this course?
This is a one-year full-time course, commencing September and ending June.
What will I study on this course?
Digital Portfolio – provides an opportunity to showcase your learning to prospective employers by creating an online digital portfolio. You will have to draw on the learning you have gained from a number of different subject areas to create an appropriate product.
Marketing and Promotion – introduces marketing and promotional concepts based around a new digital start-up. You will learn about segmentation, targeting, marketing and promotional mix. You will then create your own business idea and use the above knowledge to present a promotional plan.
A Digital Start-Up – introduces technology start-up companies and how they receive attention and funding. You will learn to perform market research in order to design your own start-up product and pitch the idea to gain feedback from peers.
Working in the Industry – develops readiness for the world of work. Through research activities you will develop an awareness of your industry sector and the opportunities that may be open to you. You will assess your current employability skills, plan for and undertake work-related developmental activities. This unit concludes with an opportunity to re-assess your skill set and the progress made.
Digital Graphics – explore technologies used to create digital graphics. You will create digital graphics, whilst utilising a number of different tools. You will also learn how to evaluate your graphical work based on a client brief.
Internet Technologies and Website Development – explore the technologies used, both hardware and software, in internet communications. You will also investigate common website design principles. The unit culminates in the design, creation and evaluation of your own website.
Communication – learn about the verbal and non-verbal communication skills essential in a digital business. This unit will help you to participate in an online business meeting and then further reflect on the strengths and areas of development of your own performance.
Customising Apps – introduces core programming skills. It will focus on looking at and understanding existing code, then using the skills learned to modify this code.
The Business Environment – develops an awareness of the business environment including types of business ownership, ownership features and the impact of the external environment on a local business and its stakeholders.
People in Organisations – explores the way in which organisations are structured along with the roles and various functional areas within most businesses. It enables the creation of the key documentation required in the application of job vacancies and the opportunity to explore interview preparation and execution from both the potential employee and employer perspectives.
What Qualification will I gain?
Jersey Progression Certificate/Diploma in Digital Enterprise and Business.
Students must pass all units to gain the Diploma.
Will I go out on work experience?
Courses at Highlands College are about preparing you for the world of work. As part of your course, you will learn how to go about presenting yourself to an employer to stand the best chance of getting the job you are looking for. You will spend two weeks in a work placement.
What does this course lead on to?
Successful completion of this course to the required standard allows access to most Level 3 courses at Highlands College, including but not limited to Level 3 Business, L3 IT & L3 Games Design.
Following on from a Level 3 course, students can progress to:
- Higher Education: Direct Progression to the Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing, top up is also available via BSC (Hons) in Digital Technologies at University College Jersey (UCJ), Highlands College, in the UK, and further afield.
- Training Contracts in the workplace: Levels 3, 4, 5 (degree equivalent) employment/training contracts in the local workplace in:
Information Technology | Trust | Funds | Accountancy | Insurance | Marketing | Event Management.
How much will it cost?
There are no fees for this course.
How can I find out more?
For further information, please contact the Highlands College Admissions team on: 608582 or email: fulltimeapplications@highlands.ac.uk.
Additional Information
All 6th form courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers. Where a course does not meet the required number, it will be reluctantly cancelled for that academic year. Applicants affected will be contacted and offered a transfer to another course if a suitable one is available.
Anyone who has been out of education for longer than 6 months will be invited for interview. Following interview, the application will be referred to a review panel.
International students should contact Jersey Immigration on immigration@gov.je before making an application.